What Knows What, What is What?

Public Program

Concept: Seda Yıldız
Salt Galata, İstanbul
with Škart and Rob van Leijsen 

June 8-June 10, 2023

What Knows What, What is What?, full of poems, talks, workshops, and performances, is inspired by the notion of togetherness and co-creation that Škart collective has always prioritized in their socially engaged practice. The program, conceived by Seda Yıldız with Škart and Rob van Leijsen, will take place in different spaces of Salt Galata. Celebrating the one-year anniversary of the book Building Human Relations Through Art, the program will include a workshop about archiving, editing, and printing collectively and a workshop on forming and performing as a choir, taking over the Salt Galata building. As Škart says, “What knows what, what is what?”

Come and join this collective fun!


Poetrying and Book Launch — Building Human Relations Through Art: Belgrade Art Collective Škart from 1990 to Present

Škart (Dragan Protić, Đorđe Balmazović), Seda Yıldız, and Rob van Leijsen

Archiving, Editing, and Printing Workshop 

Rob van Leijsen and Seda Yıldız

Workshop and Performance
Chorus Workshop and Performance

Škart (Dragan Protić, Đorđe Balmazović)

This free-admission program is open to everyone.

Škart was founded in 1990 in the graphics studio at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Architecture. Dealing with poetry, music, graphic design, and alternative education, the collective’s first decade (1990-2000) was marked by self-released (samizdat) anti-war resistance projects and their sharing on the streets. In the second decade (2000-2010), the group co-founded several collectives and initiatives: Horkeškart and Proba choirs, children’s choirs Deca sa meseca and AprilZMAJun, Defiant Pensioners poetry group, NONpractical Women embroidery group. Since 2010, the collective has been experimenting with site-specific workshops, animated poetry forms, comics, documentary illustrations, and film.

Rob van Leijsen (Tilburg, 1983) is a multidisciplinary graphic designer and writer based in Geneva, Switzerland. He runs his own design studio next to his teaching position at the Visual Communication Department of HEAD–Genève. In 2012, he obtained a master’s degree in Design Spaces and Communication at HEAD–Genève with his graduation project “Art Handling in Oblivion.” Bringing together five art collections stolen during wartime, this catalog was published by Edition Fink in 2014. His most recent book is the bilingual essay Copy, Tweak, Paste: Methods of Appropriation in Reenacted Artists’ Books(Editions Clinamen, 2020).


Photos and Videos: Mustafa Hazneci (Salt)