To be enjoyed endlessly
Edited by Seda Yıldız and Ewa Borysiewicz
Launch event: 15 November 2019
Hestia, Belgrade
Dear All,
The second edition of the three-month long What Could / Should Curating Do? educational platform is coming to an end. One of the ideas that materialised as an outcome of the programme is To be enjoyed endlessly - a zine, for which the main source of inspiration was a meeting with the art group Škart and the notion of refusal, which we saw as a very positive and significant aspect of the creative process.
Being a guest in Belgrade taught us something about being a host. To give thanks for the many generous gestures we received during our time here we decided to play the role of hosts ourselves. The notion of hospitality is a crucial one for a curator to reflect on, since it is connected to the way we position ourselves in specific geo-temporal circumstances, and the decision we took to produce this zine is an outcome of a connection that we developed with our host city.
We believe that relationships last longer than exhibitions. This is why why we understand To be enjoyed endlessly as a closure of sorts, a “final” moment of our presence in Belgrade, a souvenir addressed to people we have met in the Serbian capital. This project was meant as a gift from the very beginning and, because of that, it had to be personal, which is what this zine is - a personal thank you and a symbol of our gratitude.
Taking this opportunity we would like to invite you for a small launch event, which will take place at 19:00 on 15 November 2019 at Hestia (Topličin venac 14), Belgrade.
Our very best wishes,
Seda Yıldız and Ewa Borysiewicz
pdf available here